May 24, 2008

And So Begins Yet Another New Phase...

Wow! I have apparently been neglecting my blogging responsibilities...
Well, married life is going well. So well that we are embarking on a new phase...Yup, I am pregnant! This week I got confirmation from the doctor and have my first Ob/Gyn appointment on June 10th. Rob and I are thrilled and he can barely keep himself from getting on the rooftops and shouting it to all the world. Now, I know we are in for quite the ride, but had no idea how quickly some changes come into play. Right now I am dealing with 3 things...
I always thought that the getting up to pee in the middle of the night thing happened when the baby was big and pushing on your bladder. I had no idea it would kick in immediately! I have not slept through an entire evening in over a week because I have to get up once every night. Absolutely crazy!
The next thing that I noticed was my aversion to breakfast. I am not nauseous per se, but have a hard time motivating myself to eat because nothing seems appetizing. I am counting my lucky stars that I don't have full-fledged morning sickness!
And last, but certainly not least...MY BOOBS HURT!!! Holy cow! They have never been so f#$@ing tender. I have a hard time finding a comfortable sleeping position because pressure on them does not work. Don't even get me started on what it's like riding in a car and hitting bumps...OUCH!
As much as this sounds like a rant, I am extremely excited about the prospect of being a mommy. All this other stuff will certainly be worth it in the end. I read Jenny McCarthy's book Belly Laughs yesterday and was glad to know I am not the only one with these thoughts going through my head. I highly recommend her book to any first-time moms as it is hilarious and very frank.
So, here goes nothing...motherhood, here I come!!!