I have a question: do people check their brains at the door when they enter their cars? From what I have been witnessing lately the answer is a resounding "YES"! Between drivers who refuse to look at oncoming traffic when trying to cut across into the far lane (from a sidestreet), those who like to hog 2 lanes at the same time and those who get upset with you if you even show the slightest reaction to them cutting you off, I'm starting to lose faith in the public's ability to get behind the steering wheel and use any safety measures. And don't even get me started on parking lots. They are havens for the degenerates of the world. Am I being too harsh? I don't think so. Think about it...how hard is it to maneuver between stationary vehicles? If you can't do that, what makes you think you can handle being on the road? It's like using a bike with training wheels and not being able to stay upright. Okay, so maybe I am not the one doing the driving, but being a pedestrian I see a lot of weird stuff out there. Heck, even some pedestrians need some major help out there. You know what I'm talking about...the ones who stand in between lanes (not on the median) and wait to run across between cars. Fine, if you want to play "chicken" with oncoming vehicles, that's your prerogative, but please don't let me catch you doing it with your child as your shield (you think I make this stuff up, but I don't).
Okay, okay, I know that not everyone is that bad. However, just to be on the safe side maybe I should stay in bed and call in sick tomorrow...
I just love this post!! Nice rant!!
Hello Mr. Insomniac,
You must forward me the link to your blog... With a comment like that- you must have a blog as well!
I must say, you and Giddy Blue Devil are amazing writers. Can't wait to read whatever else is on your mind.....
No matter the method of transportation, people ARE crazy!!
Sometimes crazy is a good thing because you can have an GREAT conversation with no one at all....but the minute you two start fighting....seek help!! The kids just shouldn't see that kinda stuff......or else everone will be doing it and it won't be original anymore.
To stay out of harms way, stay on right side of the street (or the left - depending where you live).
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