Okay, so the title may have caught your eye and you may be wondering 'what exactly does she mean by that?'. Well, let me clarify what I am alluding to: my younger brother was named for a cartoon character by yours truly. How's that for original? Our parents were having a hard time coming up with a possible name for a baby boy and asked me my opinion at the tender age of 5. Since I was only 5 what did I really have to draw on but the cartoon world that I enjoyed immensely? I figured that if I ended up with a baby brother and he was named for a hero, he would grow up to be that character. So, being a fan of "G-Force" (aka "Battle of the Planets") I asked my parents to use the name Mark (since that character was the leader), but since that name was already attached to a cousin of mine, it was a no go. Please remember that I was only 5...The next logical choice was Jason since he was the second in command and a fiery character...and VOILA! I ended up with a younger brother named for that character.
So after hours of trying to track down some information on my brother's "alter ego". Here is what I was able to find:
"No last name is given. Sometimes called 'Jase' for short by Princess. Jason is second-in-command of the G-Force team, and has shown a longing to be the leader, at times coming head to head with Mark and his decisions. He has a temper and is often referred to as a hot-head, yet he still cares deeply for his fellow teammates. He has the reputation of being one of the best race car drivers on Earth, and has competed in many interplanetary racing events. He also is the most likely of the team to be interested in pretty women, but they have an annoying tendency to somehow be affiliated with Spectra. Jason operates the weapons of the Phoenix and his vehicle is called the Spacemobile (real imaginative). He is knowledgeable about the defense systems of planets and facilities."
Age: 18
Nationality: Sicilian (Birthplace: the fictitious BC Island)
Hair: Reddish brown
Eyes: Blue
Side Occupation: Private small-time race driver
Residence: Small trailer which he tows to his race locations
Strengths: Excellent marksman; acts as chief gunner for the team. Good at mechanical solutions to problems (as opposed to Mark's strength in strategy), and uses the drill, blowtorch and cable attachments on his airgun to best advantage. Excels at throwing darts and knives; every member of the team carries feather shuriken, but use of these weapons becomes Jason's trademark.
So there we go...my lil bro's name origins are now documented for all to see. Love ya, Jay!
1 comment:
I had heard about this not long ago when we had sent around those emails answering questions about ourselves....When I read this blog, I laughed so much! You did a fantastic job researching all of the character stats and finding all of those pics. I have honestly never seen this cartoon before (I guess that's because I was watching French cartoons at that point of my life......).
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