Does anyone remember the episode of "Friends" where the characters are talking about their top five actors/actresses that they can fantasize about? It's something my best friend and I used to actually put careful thought into when we were younger (keeping it down to 10 was tough enough). So, can anyone name their five? I actually have five of my own: John Cusack (which I constantly bug my man about - "Oh honey, I have a date with John Cusack tonight" which prompts him to ask me what movie I am about to watch), Hugh Jackman, Harrison Ford (in the Indiana Jones days), Patrick Dempsey and Vince Vaughn. All I can say is "Rowr, are they hot or what?"
Don't tell me that when John Cusack stands under that window with the song "In Your Eyes" playing in "Say Anything" that you don't wish it were you, ladies, that he's playing it for...or that you think that Hugh Jackman looks "okay" in "Swordfish" (besides, everyone knows that Wolverine kicks ass)...or that you didn't want Harrison Ford saving you from a pit of snakes or taking you through space to shoot at some Storm Troopers...or that Patrick Dempsey was not the cutest geek on earth in "Can't Buy Me Love"...or that Vince Vaughn didn't tug at your heartstrings in "Return to Paradise" when he yelled at Joaquin Phoenix to focus on him...All of these men have something incredible hot about them. They are all ruggedly handsome (pretty boys begone!) and dreamy (Dr McDreamy anyone?). I am not the type of gal to go "gaga" over anyone, but even I have to admit that these men are fine specimens :)
No, I am not about to replace my man or fantasize about someone else. I just like watching these guys on screen once in a while. Who says (eye) candy isn't good for you?
Gosh, we used to have a hard time keeping the numbers down to 10!!! This was a topic that we talked for hours about!!!!!! Remember how different our lists were? And guess what? They still are! Here is my top 5 (in no particular order): Tom Cruise, Jon Bon Jovi, Matthew McConaughey, Jason Priestley, and Michael Vartan. I know, I know, Tom Cruise is still on my list. Let's say I like the pre-Katie Holmes part of his life (when he was in Top Gun, Cocktail, A Few Good Men, and Rain Man). I've seen those movies sooooooooo many times.....
ladies ladies ladies ..... the land of fantasy men excludes no one! Even Tom Cruise, if we must(sorry Carbear:))hiihiihii
My top 5 : not in order, but ALL AT ONCE! Oh yeah, I said it!!
(1)Matthew McConaughey (mmm ride me cowboy); (2)Jose Theodore (i can never stay mad at you hottie); (3)Eric Lapointe (ooohhh honey sing in MY ear pprrrraaarrrr); (4) LL Cool J (hot specimen of a chisel bod - OOH pick me up & throw me down!); (5) Doug Gilmour (oh papa show me how its done)
ok, now i need to go take a VERY cold shower!!
Thanks ladies, this was FUN FUN FUN!!!
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