I got this idea from the blog of someone I came across totally randomly. We have never met, so it sometimes feels like I have a cyber pen pal (I grew up loving to write to people and had lots of pen pals that I met briefly through vacations or basketball tournaments). Anyways...Let's see...what can I tell people that they don't know about me? Here goes nothing:
1) I can wiggle my nose like a bunny.
2) I have perfect pitch (and only now am starting to appreciate it when singing).
3) My stomach growls so loud that it sounds like I am harboring a monster in there! And it's genetic! (Dad is the same way).
4) My toes are so long that people tease me saying they look like fingers (but the baby toe is so small that if I wear sandals with one strap across the foot, it looks like I only have four toes!).
5) I once won a dance competition at a night club in Korea (and only after the DJ prompted me to join...even though I was red with embarrassment).
So there you go, you now know me a little bit better :) Who wants to be the next one to attack this one? Kawi? Daisylixxx?
Oh my gosh - your number 4 is interesting. My sister-in-law is exactly the same. Very long toes, but her pinky toe is always hidden in sandals!
I remember you telling me about winning that dance competition in Korea! That seems like it was ages ago...
OH MY CRAP! I have the same toes....even the pinky one tucking under!! I finally found people who understand me :D
I THINK WE SHOULD START A GROUP!! We can call ourselves the "fingoes" !!
I'm hittin' the 1st draft of that newsletter gang!
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