December 31, 2006

Joining the Throngs of Married People

Yes, you read right...Yours truly is now trying to plan her own wedding! As of a few minutes past midnight on Christmas morning, I joined a group commonly known as the engaged. After the initial shock and extreme delight that I was asked to be someone's wife, I barely had any time to enjoy it before the reality of all the planning required popped into my head. You may laugh, but I went straight to Chapters on Boxing Day and bought a wedding planner and a book about how to find bridal bargains. This is definitely going to be quite the interesting year and I am both excited and a bit scared about tackling all the details. However, once the date is set (we are meeting with my church's priest on Jan 2nd to set the fall date) and the church and hall are booked, then the details begin...I must admit that I am quite curious to see what style of wedding gown will look good on me. So may styles and only one wedding (I would certainly hope)...Let's just hope that the journey is as easy as it can be.

My family is thrilled and is racking up quite the phone bill calling me up to talk about the upcoming day. It's kind of cute. It's a little sad that they are so far away and can't really go out and do the planning with me, but I will keep them up to snuff the whole way (that's what e-mail is you can attach pictures). Well, enough about all this, there are still people to inform about the big day. For right now I will just enjoy the fact that the man I love happens to love me just as much and was smart enough to ask me to give him forever and a day...

December 23, 2006

Movie Quiz

Okay, so this came from Nicky once again and I have been tagged. I guess I am in the hot seat for the time being...
1) Popcorn or candy? Hellloooo, POPCORN!!!
2) Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever. I have always wanted to see The Last Emperor
3) Steal one costume from a movie for your wardrobe. There was a really pretty dress worn by Natalie Portman in the second Star Wars movie that was flowy and pale yellow from the top down to darker hues at the's been a while, I can't do it justice because my memory is a bit foggy. Maybe if I take my significant other into consideration it might have to be the Priness Leia outfit at Jabba's place (how many hours of working out will that require?).
4) Your favorite film franchise is...Indiana Jones!
5) Invite five movie people over for dinner. Who are they? Why'd you invite them? What do you feed them?
- Harrison Ford because my first crush was Han Solo (and then again as Indiana Jones). I'd feed him whatever he wanted.
- Morgan Freeman because I find him fascinating and love his work. I think he'd get steak and some sort of fancy vegetable side dish.
- John Cusack because everyone wants to meet Lloyd Dobbler from Say Anything. He is the kind of guy you take home to mom. We'd have a BBQ.
- Ashley Judd because she is a strong woman. We could talk about the work she does for pediatric AIDS. She'd get a fancier meal with lots of veggies.
- Adam Sandler because it's always good to just be silly for an evening. He'd get spaghetti.
6) What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater? Confiscate the phone and a period of time where they can't enter movie theaters!
7) Choose a female bodyguard: Ripley from Aliens, Mystique from X-Men, Sarah Connor from Terminator 2, The Bride from Kill Bill, or Mace from Strange Days. I have always thought Ripley was kick-ass.
8) What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie? Don't laugh, but the original "The Blob" terrified me when I was 7 because you couldn't hide from it in a closet since it could ooze through anything!
9) Your favorite genre (excluding "comedy" and "drama"). Thrillers/suspense.
10) You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power? It would be nice to see something outside of the box (I am tired of cookie-cutter movies). I would also greenlight anything with Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, John Cusack and Edward Norton.
11) Bonnie or Clyde? How about someone who lives?!
I guess it's now my turn to tag some people. As always I am taggin Kawi and Daisylixxx! Don't let me down girls...

December 19, 2006

Christmas is Coming! Christmas is Coming!

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I absolutely LOVE Christmas. As soon as December hits, I get all my decorations out and trim the tree. Should I mention that I have so many ornaments that I have to choose which ones I want to use each year? Should I also mention that my tree is gargantuan? It's 7.5 feet tall and quite full. No Charlie Brown tree for me! Some of my friends have given my place the moniker "Christmasland" and I guess I agree that it's appropriate. I have the gargantuan tree, a Christmas village, garlands around the doorframes, 3 - count 'em - 3 stockings (one is Tigger sticking out the top), candles and stuffed animals on all shelves. I sometimes even put out some children's books I have bought over the years about Santa and his workshop. Did I mention that I love Christmas???
However, this year is quite strange...Today is the 19th and being in Montreal you would think it would be pretty and white. Not so! We have only had 2 snowfalls and the snow has refused to stay. December 1st was actually quite horrid as we had freezing rain and the ice detroyed a lot of lovely trees, while giving a lot of people electricity problems (yours truly was spared the aggravation). I know that come January and February I will be cursing the minus 40 weather plus windchill, but right now I would really like to look outside my window and feel like Christmas is less than a week away!
Speaking of less than a week...Have you done your Christmas shopping? Have you bought all the gifts needed for all your loved ones? The clock is a-tickin'...I actually got mine done early this year (the last weekend of November) because I knew that I would have very little time this month. I am looking forward to finishing this week at work and then taking it easy until the new year. After spending the last 3 weekends entertaining the public by singing in the malls, I am bushed! Only 6 more days...
I hope I don't get a lump of coal from Santa!