Yes, you read right...Yours truly is now trying to plan her own wedding! As of a few minutes past midnight on Christmas morning, I joined a group commonly known as the engaged. After the initial shock and extreme delight that I was asked to be someone's wife, I barely had any time to enjoy it before the reality of all the planning required popped into my head. You may laugh, but I went straight to Chapters on Boxing Day and bought a wedding planner and a book about how to find bridal bargains. This is definitely going to be quite the interesting year and I am both excited and a bit scared about tackling all the details. However, once the date is set (we are meeting with my church's priest on Jan 2nd to set the fall date) and the church and hall are booked, then the details begin...I must admit that I am quite curious to see what style of wedding gown will look good on me. So may styles and only one wedding (I would certainly hope)...Let's just hope that the journey is as easy as it can be.

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