Well, we've booked our honeymoon flight and hotel package. Where are we going? One of the most romantic places we know: Rome, Italy! Neither of us has been to Europe before and we are looking forward to our 8 days in Rome. My fiancé is excited about structures like the Colosseum, while I am excited about just about everything there, from the little back streets to the Trevi Fountain. I'd better make sure that my digital camera has plenty of space and battery power. We will be staying at a hotel called Gea di Vulcano and from the pictures I have seen, it seems to be a quaint little place with a lot of charm. This should be quite the adventure...I bought a book that has a bunch of walking tours in it (gonna need some really good walking shoes as we plan to do a LOT of walking). I will definitely be studying what's there before we go, but I am sure that once we are there, we will end up just taking each day as it comes and playing it by ear. Can't wait...
Wow........Rome, Italy!!!!! That will be such an amazing trip for you both! Make sure to eat lots of pasta and tiramisu and cannollis for me!!!! Can't wait to see all of the pictures too!
I've always wanted to go to Rome-it's so beautiful and romantic...I'm with Kawi11...I can't wait to see pictures. (You must post some!)
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