October 15, 2007

The Deed is Done

Yes, I am now a married woman. The day itself (September 29th) could not have been more beautiful. After raining Thursday and being overcast Friday, Saturday the skies opened up and the sun was shining full force! Thank goodness as that was the one thing I couldn't plan for. Speaking of which...
I learned that being as organized (actually "anal" is a better term) as we were, there was nearly no stress the week leading up to the wedding. Why? BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS DONE AND TAKEN CARE OF!! What a crazy idea...I know. Imagine actually having the details taken care of so that all you have to do is show up at the church and then the reception hall...whoa! Although there was a small incident with the church flowers that I learned about from my husband after the ceremony...they almost weren't at the church (he forget them at home and then rushed back to get them only to arrive at the church 5 minutes before me...with the help of my brother). I'm sure it was a hilarious series of events, but I am glad that I was blissfully unaware of what was taking place.
The ceremony and reception were just amazing. Both sides of the family had one heck of a party...I loved every minute of it!
It goes by so quickly...If there was one thing I would say to future brides it's this: take the time to enjoy what is happening around you. Every once in a while take a step back and just take it all in. I did and I am glad that I took that time because I got to observe everyone who loves us having a great time celebrating one heck of a union ;)

1 comment:

minou11 said...

It was an amazing day!!!!! I am so glad that I was able to be a part of it! :-)